2012 Trinidad & Tobago Panorama Finals
Large & Medium Conventional Bands
Produced in Trinidad & Tobago. Superior quality from
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- Vibes (by Sangre Grande Cordettes) 8.27
- Gie Dem Tempo (by Power Stars) 7.34
- Cyah Wait To Jam (by West Side Symphony) 8.50
- Vibes (by NLCB Buccooneers) 8.49
- Play Yourself (by Curepe Scherzando) 8.20
- All Over (by Pamberi Steel Orchestra) 8.29
- Vibes (by Valley Harps) 8.27
- Let Pan Reign (by Melodians) 9.21
- De Player (by Courts Sound Specialists of Laventille) 8.42
- Naked Riddum (by Petrotrin Siparia Deltones) 10.28
- Vibes (by BP Renegades Steel Orchestra) 9.29
- Aunty Pat (by Republic Bank Exodus) 9.05
- Gie Dem Tempo (by PCS Nitrogen Silver Stars) 9.00
- Gie Dem Tempo (by RBC Redemption Sound Setters) 8.22
- Play Yourself (by Neal & Massy Trinidad All Stars) 8.56
- Archbishop Of Pan (by Petrotrin Phase II Pan Groove Steel
Orchestra) 8.57
- Yuh Know Ah Like It (by Caribbean Airlines Invaders Steel
Orchestra) 9.12
- All Over (by T&TEC Tropical Angel Harps) 9.08
- Vibes (by NLCB Fonclaire) 8.27 Archbishop (by Solo
Harmonites) 8.43
- This Is Bacchanal (by Katzenjammers) 8.08
- God Is Ah Trini (by Arima Golden Symphony) 8.59
- Gie Dem Tempo (by Super Novas) 8.58
- Toco Band (by LH Pan Groove) 8.17
- Get Something And Wave (by San Juan East Side Symphony) 7.56
- Flag Party (by Trinidad East Side Symphony) 7.09
Panorama Finals 2012
2 disc DVD set
 eCaroh Price: $35.00